Now I was on Face Book and I saw this video about Christians being persecuted in India. We talk about it here and there and we know it is going on, but once you see it, the reality sinks in. Now its not to say our stuff can not be hard and draining or even tragic. However, when you watch people beaten to death because of their belief in Christ, it makes you wonder how much do you love him. Are you willing to stand for your faith or would you simply renounce him so they would leave you alone. I ask myself that question all the time and it is sometimes very easy to answer when your feeling fired up for Christ, but what if it came down to it. The answer is I do not know. People who have families and think of seeing their children again and the many hundreds or thousands of thoughts that are passing through your mind in that moment. Yet, here are these men, with a choice to save themselves and they let their silence be their answer. One of the men in the video is kicked violently from every direction and when the video turns off from that scene it is right before a man with a boulder, yes a huge rock is about to smash the small beaten mans head. There in that moment, I realized, I am blessed, yes I may be facing some difficulties in my life that have changed it significantly, but my persecution is minuscule to those who literally risk their life to share and let Jesus Shine through them. I pray that I would have the divine courage and blessing of the Holy Spirit in that moment, as Jesus said, Father forgive them for they know not what they do!!! We have an Amazing all Saving, All Merciful God… My Friends, please understand the most important question is not “Why would God let this happen to his believers?” No, the Question should be ” How can I Love Jesus the way they do?” Their choice is not to gain fame, but to stand rooted in the truth of Christ and know for all who are watching, that “This Jesus” is worth dying for… That says a lot when it costs someone their life, I am not asking for you or me to be Martyrs, but I am asking that we would live our daily life, moment by moment, with the centralized, repeated thought and saying ” THIS JESUS IS WORTH DYING FOR!” AMEN… AND… AMEN
Jan 26
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