It doesn’t matter what name you used to call her, the fact was she was my foundation. Her love was filled with tenderness and discipline, when I was wrong she would let me know, but when I was right she had my back no matter what. She taught me to say what I feel and let people know where they stand with you. Her passion and fire was unmatched and her kindness hard to avoid. My mom would cuss you out in one minute and telling how much she loved you in the next. I always called her mommy and it went from a kid like mommy to an adult deeper voiced mommy trying to sound cool, LOL.. She did everything for me and always wanted the best for me, she told everyone how proud she was of me and to this day almost 4 years later I still get to hear those words. I strive in my life to be the best and fight and struggle through my burdens, but Ultimately I know she would be proud of the man I am today. I regret that he never got to hear me preach, or that she will not see me get married or have children and that pain hurts, but mostly the pain is missing her. I miss her laugh, her smile and without a doubt her touch. She could make me feel warm in my darkest and coldest times. I still remember the feeling of her holding my hand and how safe that made me feel. I love that God gave me her heart and her fight and I pray everyday that I would use it more and more. I know she is no longer suffering and that she is with Christ, but the pain that I hold onto is the love that I lost here on Earth and I will hold onto it, but I will let it be the fire to keep me living this life the way God intended me to, Abundantly. We all have a woman in our life that we can give any of these names above too, that woman that calls you out on your bull crap, the one who tells you you cant quit, the one who if you tried to quit would “help” you understand why you won’t quit, that woman who gives you wisdom when dealing with ladies, that woman who holds you when you need to cry, not because your soft, but because she is the refuge you know will be there. We all have a woman in our life and we all believe that our mommy is the best of them all. The funny thing is that statement is true for all of us, That woman we call Mom, Mommy, Ma, Momma is without a doubt the best of them all for us! Mothers Day can be a happy and sad day, but it is a day that happens everyday for me! For all of my friends who have a Mom, don’t miss out and take for granted this life… It is moment by moment and can be gone in an instant. My prayer and my gratitude goes out to all the Moms, Single Moms, and All the women who play the most important role in a man or woman’s life, MOTHER! Happy Mothers Day!! Amen!
Mom, Mommy, Ma, Momma!!
May 12
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