Well after 2 days of Solitude with Jesus I can say it was amazing. The first night was just so quiet over the balcony and the stars in the sky over the ocean were awe inspiring. As I sat I waited, I did not pray nor did I make a sound, I sat and I listened. My heart raced and a million things went through my mind, but finally in the dark of a star lit night, I heard the peace I was waiting for. Then the messages began and they were bold and confirming of what my life is and has become for Jesus. He spoke to me and gave me peace, conviction and ultimately covered me with the Grace of God, which I want to let change me. I asked for a sign that night and though it was not what I was suspecting, sure enough Christ gave me one. It also came at the end, it was the exclamation point if you will. I wrote down all he said and a few of those things were for me to go through a purification process with him, where I finally let the Holy Spirit mold me more into the man others see and stop believing the lies I believe. Secondly, though I have said it a few times already allow the grace of god to change me and not use it as an excuse to stay where I am at! For me to continue to Honor my word and my actions as many of the people in my life trust me because Jesus has helped me to be a man of integrity. Also, learning to love myself enough to change, there is a reason why Jesus says the second most important commandment is Love your neighbor as you love yourself. ( Matthew 22:39) I have come to understand if I cannot love myself through how God sees me then I will not be genuine in my love for my friends and family and those who are lost. Though my life is not about me, it most certainly is about Jesus’ love for me. This few days alone with him has changed who I am and who I want to be. Life is what it is, but Jesus is always TRUTH. I am thankful for my shooting star, my exclamation point to remember where it is God wants me to go, which is to Follow him. I pray that I would be able to be obedient to my Papa in a way that makes him proud. One Love, One King, All Christ!
God Breathed Instructions
Jun 16
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