What Kind of Person Do you Want to be?
This is something a lot people ask and we always have typical answers. We may say we want to be a good person, but what does that really mean. Once we get passed the superficial and into the depth of what that means, we find the attributes that God has woven into our souls. You see we do not become the man or woman of God we want or desire to be, NO, we are actually already born that person. We must learn and train ourselves to believe that we are God’s Beloved. Claim in Jesus name our Born Again promise from our Papa. Our success in the Christian life is based in our humility and service to those who cross our paths. My friends, make a statement of truth every moment, I am Free, I am Righteous, I am Humble, I am Saved, I am God’s Beloved. There so many more, but start every day looking in the mirror, because that is usually the hardest person to convince that Jesus does love them. My claim is that I AM THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH and ALMIGHTY, JESUS CHRIST!
One Love, One King, All Christ!