I have been a teacher and a coach for over 18 years of my life. I have met so many children, both girls and boys. There has always been those you can see come from a good loving family, but most come from a brokenness that is hard to swallow. Many times we look at the behavior of the “Bad” ones and think they are lost causes. Well, if you have a pulse and care and more importantly if you are a Christian, our hearts should be breaking for those who are the “Bad.” I understand completely you can only get so many chances and there are many who have given up on them self, so it is easy for them to believe that no one cares. One of the most amazing things about kids that are broken is they desire discipline, but a discipline that comes from love and care. There is a young man that is in class now and he is very angry and disruptive. He is 13 so most of the disruptive behavior is a boy being a boy. However, it is in our interactions that you realize what he desires the most and that is for a Man to love him. He always likes to horseplay and seeks attention. He doesn’t turn away from it and knowing Christ and how he has made me aware of people’s feelings, I know this young man needs love. How many people cross our path daily and we do not even think about their spiritual destination?
Psalm 142:6-7 (NIV)
6 Listen to my cry,
for I am in desperate need;
rescue me from those who pursue me,
for they are too strong for me.
7 Set me free from my prison,
that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me
because of your goodness to me.
After reading this Psalm that I cry out to God with I realized how many people are in the same situation. There hearts have been broken and their souls bound by those who have had their way with them. We tend to explode or judge most people by their looks or their past and for many of us, those chains of bondage seem like impossible to break or even much budge. Then there is Jesus, who says come just as you are. He means it, with all of our baggage, grave cloths, chains and open wounds. He says come, I will take those from you and give you something NEW. He takes us under his wing and allows us to feel the comfort of his refuge. Remembering this when you are dealing with that person that rubs you the wrong way or the student that just doesn’t seem to care is hard to do. Everything can be hard to do when it is done without Christ. When you see those who are acting out, especially children, pray that Jesus could show you where their pain is and pray that you could Listen to their Cry. Relational ministry is so difficult because you must be ready to be hurt, but know that Christ honors you and loves you and as you glorify him, eternity can change for even the most dark and evil person. It was in that moment on the cross that Jesus took ALL of OUR SINS and for that moment was the most evil person to ever live. The only way we have the freedom to go to Heaven is because Jesus allowed himself, the GOD MAN, to endure the agony of all that evil in his pureness. I am not saying to give anyone a free ride or a tap on the wrist, but I am saying to show grace, mercy and love in your interactions with those that you truly do not know what is going on in their life. Amen!
One Love, One King, All Christ!