We can see all types of shapes, shades and colors as we look on a horizon. We can sometimes make the shapes out to be ships or planes and sometimes even waves crashing. The sun is blistering down sometimes and we get the mirage view, that glistening and blurry view, that looks like a mirror reflection. When the sky is overcast the shapes and shadows become anything our mind chooses to see. As I sit by the lighthouse today and look out over the horizon I see 3 crosses. I was praying and talking with my adoptive Father and as I looked to where the rays of sun were shining through the overcast skies, there were the crosses. They were spread out perfectly as if I was looking at Calvary. He decided to show me the beauty of the cross on this Holy week, as a reminder of the payment for what I have done and what I will do in the future. It is amazing how God could take 3 channel markers and from the horizon view make them look like the 3 crosses on that first Good Friday. How appropriate for me that the same crosses I am viewing are channel markers and just another reminder of staying on the right path. You see when a boater ventures off that channel that has been coursed out for them they run aground. That is what we do as sinners, when we forget that we are saints, and need not turn to our sin but continually rip off those grave clothes. The channel markers give you a direction that is kind but not necessarily safe because you are still on the vicious, powerful and unpredictable ocean.
What is on your horizon, my friends? May I tell you? There is a God who loves you so much He died for you. He chose death so that we could have life eternally. A God who says have small, tiny faith and you can move mountains. A God who says give me all of your burdens, especially when they cause you to fall. A God who says I will give you a full and abundant life if you choose to follow me. A God who will accept you no matter what into His adoptive family. A God who looks passed your flaws and sins and even while you are sinning, He Chose You! There is no condemnation is Jesus, there is conviction and redemption. A God who will pursue you even if you do not believe in Him until you do or die. He is on your horizon and it is simple to reach him, isn’t it? Make your way in that direction, do not turn away from him because he never turns away from you. He runs to us as the Father of the prodigal son, waiting and watching the horizon from the porch for his lost son/daughter to be a shape on the horizon and the moment he recognizes its you, HE SPRINTS to you so that HE CAN HUG AND KISS YOU!! This is the God that waits on the horizon for you and for me. I am approaching my horizon and the closer I get the tighter the embrace feels from God. The clearer my mind becomes and the more I can love on others will just strengthen my ability to do His will and surrender my own. My friends, God Is Love and again I ask you What is on your horizon? Amen!
One Love, One King, All Christ!