Love Abounds
Love Abounds
There is no better time than to start now
Let us not wait until the trumpet sounds
For we know every tongue will confess and every knee will bow
And with this truth our love abounds
Let go of your thoughts and trust with your heart
Those whispers of lies come from the darkest backgrounds
When left listening to those lies we are ripped apart
But turning to Christ in us our love abounds
Grace and Peace, we should desire these both
As our lives transform there is this rumbling on the grounds
This rumbling shakes us clean and begins a new growth
Oh, how with Grace and Peace our love abounds
I am because of the Great I AM
In the end, through adoption I am crowned
My protection is complete by Christ the Lion and the Lamb
And as we surrender our love shall abound
The more I choose to give God praise
The more I know I am no longer lost but found
We can truly play in our Father’s gaze
Knowing the more I serve the more my love shall abound