We take each one of our breaths for granted
Just as every single beat of our heart
Pretending we live a life enchanted
Not realizing our next breath could be the final depart
Living to be free and in peace
Is far from what we achieve
The busyness of our lives never seems to cease
Then with that last breath everyone chooses to grieve
Reconnect with souls from the past
Because fear of your last breath becomes real
Now you cannot even remember the last time you asked
If they would like to come over for a meal
Then someones next breath becomes their last
Our hearts skip as we remember their smiles
When we look at the years they have gone by so fast
OH! if we only knew how we have all endured many trials
No matter if our next breath becomes our last
With Jesus that breath will be with a calm release
Though they will mourn they will accept we have passed
Though broken and hurt they will say with no regret ” Rest In Peace!”