This used to be a very hard question for me to answer. There are so many people who saw me in a certain light. However, for me I only saw the shadows and darkness. For most of my life I have looked past all the good that God has used me for and have only focused on my failures and creating my limits. My success in life have only been truly half measured because I have held them to broken weak standards and to my own beliefs of myself. I can only imagine what life will be like to live with a flawless self image! An image we can live by and a reality that is at the end of our breath when we speak in faith. My facade has been a good one in my eyes… Always allowing those closest to me to think I was strong and had it under control. Using Jesus as a cover and not a Savior. Turning to the darkness and addictions to truly make it in life. The craziness for me and so many like me is I started believing I wasn’t worth anything from a very young age. Parents, especially dad’s just know Words and Actions matter!!! My mask was good enough to get by in life.
Now today, as of January 26, 2017 I can answer this question truthfully with no doubt. While I’m learning to live it moment by moment, I am blessed and highly favored, a Child, A Son of the One True God, YHWH, with a Savior who paid for ALL my brokenness and The Holy Spirit who embraces me. I’m learning to turn from the flesh and the lies that I have whispered to myself and have been whispered to me. I shall put on the full armor of God, my battle is that person or that situation, No rather my battle is against all those things that are unseen that try and keep me leveled. I have given those things power over me for 30 plus years. I say today NO MORE for I will have unshakable self confidence. I will fully believe in myself and trust and believe that anything I see happening for the Good of me will happen. All things are possible through Him and he promises to give what we ask for!!
Who Am I?
I am Anthony Fadelle
I am a Son of the One True God, YHWH
I will Love the Lord My God with All My Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength.
I will Love myself as I pour that love into my neighbor.
I am blessed and highly favored, The Son of my Heavenly Father who can’t help but smile when He looks upon His Beloved Anthony!
Amen and Amen
One Love, One King, All Christ