God gives us the promise of protection against the terror, the plagues, the arrow and the pestilence. He says abide in me and be in the shelter of the Almighty and He will not allow the danger to come near your tent. He promises that His angels will not allow our foot to even scrape a stone. All of these are found in Psalm 91 along with more. Here is the deal though. When we follow this, believe in it and have Faith that Christ will fulfill it, we must be obedient.
The stories of people saying here comes “Marshal law” and they are trying to control us along with those that just don’t think it will come near them is causing this death toll to grow in ways that have never been seen. They asked us to stay home based on what they have seen happen to the WORLD!! My friends, There is not a country that does not have Covid 19 in the World!! No one has experienced anything like this. But we need to know for God’s promises to work we must have faith yes, but we must be obedient!! Stay Home!! have your groceries dropped off to your house and whatever else you can make happen. Walk in your backyard, sit on your porch. Listen and stop thinking this is magically going to go away.
God’s promises are true, just like with the passover, If the Jews had not been obedient and wipe their doors with the blood of the lamb, the death angel would have taken them. I am sure there were some doubters, but their doubt was not worth their life so they listened. Seeing all these young people going out after curfew and getting in huge groups does not show strength against the man, rather ignorance and risking infecting people you know, etc. We live in a dark world, what is to say some of those same people partying in groups are not trying to spread just to be nasty.
As we draw near to Christ, He will draw near to us and the closer we are to him the more we can feel peace about the things being put into place for our safety. Faith is knowing Jesus will heal this world and Covid 19 will find its match, but while that happens, keep yourself in prayer and keep yourself clean!! Save your family and those in your house!! No one needs to visit right now! Have faith, be obedient and let God bring you the peace you desire!
One Love, One King, All Christ!