More Than Enough!!
In our life we get told so many things. They have us question who we are and what our purpose in life. We follow what the World says so much easier than what God tells us. Then when we fall into that we fall out of the sound of His voice. We look at ourself and we think we are not worthy because of our past. The truth is that He is more than enough. The cross and what He did on it is proof of that. We always try to find a backdoor to get the things we want instead of waiting patiently on Jesus. Covid caused us to fall into a cave mentality and in that we lost contact with those we love and care about. The evil one is trying to separate us from sharing the light that is Christ. If we choose to change God will provide the change. We just have to make that choice and be obedient to it. The same effort we make to sin and get our way should be the effort that we put in to falling in love with Jesus. I am praying for you all that you can sense the love of Christ and His call to step back tot he front lines.
We are playing prevent defense and anyone who knows football knows that prevent defense just prevents you from winning. That is what we are doing as the body of Christ. This is what I have been doing and one step more, I have moved myself onto the bench. I want to get back in the game and the only way is to do it through community. I am asking for that in my life for 2022 and I pray that you would do the same. Stand for Christ and nothing can Stand Against You!! I miss talking about Him and writing about Him. I pray that you will enjoy the post that are to come as Jesus softens my heart and the Holy Spirit comes alive once again!!
One Love, One King, All Christ!!