Life is Precious, Even though we tend to forget!
It is not until the dominos of life begin to fall that we realize what we take for granted. First, its a family member, then a friends family member then a friend and boom, Life is not filled with so much time anymore. There is a reason why Jesus says to us to live our lives to the full. Each and every day must be given its fullness. Do the thing you are thinking, get up and go and just let life happen. We have Jesus in us and we can spread that light and joy to those we meet. In that moment, Jesus is loving on us and growing us and embracing us. When these things in life come that are scary and sad, Jesus will stand with us and hold us. In the meantime, live for Him and live in a way that people wonder how and why you live with such peace. My prayer is that all who read this will take the step to enjoy each moment of each day, including myself. I want to give off the positive energy of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I want my heart to shine in a way that everyone that comes across it, wonders and desires His Love!
One Love, One King, All Christ!!