This is something that the Holy Spirit put on my heart the other day during a wrestling practice. I noticed that even though the kids were working hard, there was one drill where I saw and heard a few of them missing the little details of the drill. When asked why, all of those that were questioned answered selfishly. They weren’t doing that part of the drill, which was verbalizing “I Am A Champion”, because of _________. You can fill in the blank, there was every excuse to make the drill just a little bit easier instead of focusing on the little thing. As I was talking to them about the importance of the little things in life God encouraged me to look at my own life.
It was when I started paying attention to completing the little daily tasks that I noticed big changes. Instead of saying I am going to get up and do a quiet time and write and pray to start my day, I just got up and spoke to God. Then I read maybe one or two verses and let those sit with me while I drank my coffee. I was spending quality time with my GOD and not check listing it like a chore list. I want to know in detail how God loves me and how Jesus has molded me in His image. I want to see the little changes He has made because of the little things I am now paying attention to. Those wrestlers may not understand exactly why or how that little thing makes a difference, but they will.
We learn from repetition and the more we say or do something the more it becomes a part of us. I am a huge believer in the power of words and have learned, even in my joking around, I need to be careful of what my tongue says. However, when we repeat something over and over, eventually our entire brain and all of our consciousness begin to believe it which then allows our souls to validate it. The more I say God loves me, even if my feelings don’t feel it, my soul will believe it. I have coached for over 20 years in the sports of wrestling and football and I have implemented the chant of “I Am A Champion” almost since the beginning. There are coaches today that I coached that use it with their teams. I have seen that chant, when taken seriously and to the heart make champions out of young men. There is something that is inside of us that when we believe the words we tell our self we follow. When you stay positive and do not allow the lies and whispers of despair from the evil one and your flesh get in the way you can accomplish a lot.
There is a quote by Charles Spurgeon that says it best ” The way to do a great deal is to keep on doing a little. The way to do nothing at all is to be continually resolving that we will do everything.” This has been me in the past without a doubt, but over the last 9 months God has made an impact on me. Since focusing on doing a little instead of talking a lot I have lost over 60 pounds, I read daily, exercise daily and spend a lot less time worrying about the lies that have kept me bound and led me to be disobedient to my FATHER GOD. I would like to encourage you to take time to focus on the little things with God the same way you would when you want to know more about a person you meet and like. This is our creator, who desires love and communication, He is not a thing that we pray to but a friend, counselor, King and redeemer who wants to love on us, protect us and really get to know us. God is like the person we have told the same story to a thousand times, but they act like it was the first time they’ve heard the story every time because they know how excited you are to tell it. He knows everything and our every word, but still LOVES to hear it when we say it.
My hope is to Fall in Love with my first Love, Jesus and let my actions be guided by the Holy Spirit so I may live being led by the Spirit and not by the flesh!!! Selah!
One Love, One King, All Christ