Breaking Bread with God, my Adoptive Father!
I wanted to share a very special day I spent with my Adoptive Father during spring break and it was actually on the Thursday before Good Friday. This was the day that Jesus broke bread with His disciples and raised the cup that would become the new covenant in His name. He told them to take this bread and eat it as it is a part of him that solidifies their belief in him and then He said take this cup and drink as this represents the blood that will be shed for you and will allow you to be saved. This communion confirmed the new covenant we have in Christ and the soon arrival of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I enjoyed my week with God during this past spring break as He met me every morning with something new. Every morning was beautiful and this particular Thursday was just the same. The views were ridiculous and so so sweet. It was as if he painted every morning view just for me. The suns rays always pointed right at me. I went to the grocery this morning and bought some Challah bread and some grape juice, and oh yeah some croquettes and a coconut pastry, LOL.
On a serious note, the worship music (Hymns) were playing and I read the last supper scripture out loud to my Adoptive Father. I took the bread(body) and broke it and then ate it and then I took the cup(blood) and drank from it. This was my first communion with my Adoptive Father. I learned a few weeks ago that this was my destiny. God chose me to be His son. There were moments when the sun would sneak out from behind the clouds and the light show was amazing. As the clouds moved the sun rays displayed their beauty over the sky and ocean. I was able to sit, in solitude, and truly enjoy His Majesty. My goal is to be lifted above my feelings and into the mysterious tremendum- The Awesome Presence of God. One of my fears is to deal with my lack of urgency to repent and change completely into God’s presence. WHY DON’T I LIVE LIKE HE IS WITH ME, LITERALLY! I now realize the battle but also the love that Christ has for me and you. Though we may exhibit behaviors that are in conflict with the Holy Nature of God, Jesus DIED for those behaviors. It does not give us a ticket to sin freely, but to know we are free from sin when we repent. There is truth that if there is any unholy in me then there is nothing truly holy in me. However, that was the purpose of the cross and the victory over death. As we draw near to God, our Adoptive Father, we will DESIRE to do those things He calls on us to do. Breaking bread on this spring break Thursday was such a blessing as God chose to meet me! There is war and turmoil all throughout my mind, body and soul and as this battle persists the Holy Spirit comforts me in letting me know I will not perish. I am His and as scripture says, If God is for me, then who can be against me! Amen
One Love, One King, All Christ