Our losses
I have had some heaviness on my heart. This past Friday a cousin of my brother-in-law was in a horrible accident with his 2 daughters. He lost his youngest. The scene on the news was unbearable, but my tears began to flow as a father held his daughter asking her to stay with him. He lost her and now she is with Jesus. Life can be so unfair and throw so many things at us that sometimes we are ready to break. I pray for him and his family because I cannot imagine what it must feel like to lose a child, but I do know what it is like to lose someone who you are deeply in love with. As we gaze at our losses, we come to realize they never truly leave and they linger as long as we are going to be here on this Earth, but within that pain, Christ says he is there. It is through this Faith that I know he is telling the truth. Even in the loss of a beautiful daughter Christ can bring the good out of the bad the World sets before us. Jesus knows the brokenness of losing someone he endured our pains and burdens and sins. My heart longs to know that the little girl believed in Jesus as her Lord and Savior and that her father as he grieves will allow the Holy Spirit to break through the walls we put up when we lose someone. The guilt that comes with an accident is so heavy because you have so many doubts that run through your mind, if i would have done this or that, but ultimately you didn’t and it is not your fault. Our losses carry with them a power that can take a hold of our lives and change them forever. We can either choose to let Christ come along side of us, now understand he is OK with you being mad at him, but nonetheless he wants to be next to you. He wants you to know that though this World may be hard and Merciless, His heart and love for you is eternal. I watch as a young man I know has been falsely accused of a crime he did not commit and I see him stuck in a system that says he is guilty. I see the losses he has endured and know his spirit is being crushed, it is only Jesus that can bring us through that pain. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, before their time, in our eyes, or the loss of living life because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We must trust that Christ will bring us through it. My heart aches so badly for those who are in pain and I wish I could stand in the gap for them and help them carry their burdens of guilt and grief, but they must experience life and see how God can take something so horrible and turn it into beauty. For every loss in our eyes and hearts, can be a soul gained and anew in Heaven! Share Christ with those around you! Amen!!